Version 4.11.4 -------------- - New setting in config.php: set a fixed sender address Version 4.11.3 -------------- - Support for CSV files Version 4.11.2 -------------- - Placeholder now useable in subject Version 4.11.1 -------------- - Bugfix: no signature in archiv file shown Version 4.10.3 -------------- - added PDF test to diag.php Version 4.10.2 -------------- - PDF export changes Version 4.10.1 -------------- - added new function: mail text end Version 4.10.0 -------------- - new Spam Filter -> random text in email - support for checkbox fields Version 4.9.1 ------------- - PDF Attachment: Problems with encoding fixed - Email is now always sent as UTF-8 Version 4.9.0 ------------- - Improvements for PDF attachments Version 4.8.1 ------------- - configure y position of the captcha string in the config.php Version 4.8.0 ------------- - PDF attachment -> Mail can be attached as PDF attachment - Signature width is now fixed, i.e. signature is no longer too large/broad in the e-mail Version 4.7.0 ------------- - Error in logging fixed (PHP warning could occur)